Here’s some of observation I ‘ve made, about brainwaves and various states, as I have talked and worked with neuroscientists and experimented with state-of-the-art EEG neuroimaging and neurofeedback.
Using a Vedantic categorization, there are three major states that the average human being goes through, during a 24h cycle. Waking state, reaming state and deep sleep state. In between, prior and beyond these three, there’s the fourth state (Turiya), also accessed, but seldom recognized.
Experiencing the various states, bring into experience various realms, that can be navigated via various bodies (vehicles), in the same way that the seas can be navigated with boats, the air with helicopter, the underwater realm with submarines etc, the space with spaceships etc.
When different states are experienced, different bodies come “online” and, correlated with different brainwaves.
So, when one has the gross body (anamayakosha) as their basis for self-identity, one perceives the gross realm, as the most real. This correlates with Beta and Alpha brainwaves as predominant pattern.
When one starts working with various “spiritual” exercises, there is more of a shift towards Alpha brainwaves and the subtle realm is made, accessible, through the subtle body.
The subtle body, in the Vedantic categorization, consists of three bodies. The pranamayakosha, the manomayakosha and the vijanamayakosha, the development of the latter, being necessary for consciously accessing the causal body, the anandamayakosha and beyond.
So, one starts with identification with the gross and then either moved at identification with the subtle and causal, to Turiya or can move to the causal and Turiya, directly, bypassing the subtle, or at least part of it.
Using a simple categorization, being (predominantly) identified with one of the bodies, makes access to the corresponding state, having specific brainwaves, as follows.
Gross body (anamayakosha) | gross realm | Beta or Alpha brainwaves predominant)
Subtle body (Pranamayakosha) | etheric/lifeforce realm | Alpha brainwaves predominant
Subtle body (Manomayakosha) | astral realms | Theta and Alpha brainwaves predominant
Subtle body (Vijannamayakosha) | higher astral (celestial realms) | (I would guess low Theta)
Causal body (Anandamayakosha) | causal realm | Delta brainwaves
Now, the above is just a very basic understanding, as certain experiences have to do with the place in the brain that the brainwaves appear and also their combination.
For example, Alpha can give expanded joyful experiences of oneness using the pranamayakosha.
High Alpha, combined with mid-brain Theta can give astral experiences, communicating with entities, precognitions and strategic planning.
Here’s some other things I ‘ve learned from neuroscientists.
Since brainwaves are measured as electricity via an EEG, the big challenge with neurofeedback is to isolate the electricity produced by the brain form the electricity produced by muscles, organs, respiration etc. Finding ways to filter out these unwanted signals is a major undertaking in R&D.
For instance, Gamma brainwaves are very fast brainwaves. With fast brainwaves it is even more difficult to isolate the brain signals and further special procedures are needed for doing so.
Drowsy Theta brainwaves look very different than mystical Theta in EEG. My take on that is that drowsy Theta give access to the sub-lunar realm, whereas mystical Thera give access to the celestial.
Finally, since spiritual Enlightenment has also been defined as bringing the deep sleep state to the waking state, that would mean that, Delta waves should co-exist with Alpha waves, in the waking state. I have witnessed this happening and I believe that this might be a modern technological benchmark for Enlightenment.